Παράκαμψη πλοήγησης

logo14.gif Σώτος Αλεξίου , 3η Μπιενάλε Πεκίνου 2008
Τίτλος : MARATHON RUNNERS ( run louis run)
Acrylic on canvas Size: 150 X 200 ( φωτό πάνω )

logo14.gif Marathon Runners are athletes taking part in the most difficult sport running the traditional distance between Marathon and Athens, in Greece.
It is the distance between the village of Marathon and Athens run by Fidippidis in 490 B.C. in his attempt to inform the citizens of Athens of the Greek victory over the Persians. Fidippidis as soon as he arrived exhausted in Athens managed to just say the words “We won” and immediately collapsed dead!
The rough painted surface on top represents the hard nature of the sport.
It also represents the hardships people face today in their lives.
In the year 1896.
Louis a Creek athlete was the first Olympic Marathon winner in the first modern Athens Olympic games in Greece
He was a farmer from a small village and managed to win the gold medal running the Marathon and becoming a hero of modern Greece.

Alexiou Sotos

logo14.gif Βιογραφικό του καλλιτέχνη : εδώ
logo14.gif Άλλα έργα του γλύπτη : εδώ ( scroll )









  1. Το έργο της Καρδίτσας ο τίτλος είναι Η ΜΑΧΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΟΔΕΙΑΣ.

  2. Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ κ. Αλεξίου.Χθές μάλιστα πήγα στο Αιγάλεω για να βρώ το έργο σου που είχα διαβάσει ότι υπάρχει.Το βρήκα και μου άρεσε.Ο ήλιος,όμως, δεν βοήθησε την φωτ/σή του.Θα ξαναπάω.
